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Preparing for my portfolio interview

Updated: Apr 27, 2021

As part of the professional practice module, we have been asked to prepare a body of past and present work, in the form of a portfolio. This portfolio will be presented in front of a design panel, and an industry professional. It should provide a visual documentation of our skills, creative interests and chosen design field. The purpose of this interview is to give students like me, the confidence to share, deliver and discuss our work on a professional scale. It should indicate a clear design route and potential career pathway.

My interview is scheduled for the 12th of March with illustrator; Jo Davies, Co-founder and chief editor of ‘Varoom magazine’. She is also best known for producing a series of illustration guides, for the publisher ‘Bloomsbury’. Strange enough, I discussed one of her books in a previous blog post. With knowledge of her already, it was perfect that she was going to be interviewing me. I’m extremely fortunate to have been given the opportunity to present my portfolio to such a well-established illustrator, like Jo. As discussed countless times on my blog, I’d love to become a freelance illustrator, having outlined my specific interests in children’s illustration. What I’ve already learnt from freelance illustration, is that it’s an extremely competitive and challenging field to work in. Therefore I commend individuals like Jo who have succeeded in this role and have created an established name for themselves. I’m slightly nervous about my interview because similar to me, Jo’s areas of specialities are in children’s illustration. Therefore the work I display in my portfolio needs to be the highest standard possible.

Since I’ve never had a portfolio interview before, I thought online videos would provide me with some tips, knowledge and advice to help me prepare. Although my interview isn't until a few weeks time, I still thought it would be beneficial to do some early research.

This video by Holly Exley gave some great information on what a portfolio should display. I've watched a lot of Holly's video's before, as she always provides the best advice for illustrators who are new to the field. Underneath are some of the main notes from this video, as I hope to take this advice on board when I’m constructing my portfolio.

Exley, H. (2018, November 22). How To Make An Amazing Illustration Portfolio. [Video file] Retrieved from

The main points raised in the video:

- Commission yourself to help build your portfolio: As Holly Exley states in her video, 'make the work which you want to be hired for'. Your portfolio should be a personal reflection of your skills and interests. It needs to display the type of work which you want to specify in. The work in your portfolio doesn't necessarily have to be commissioned by a client, it can also be self-directed briefs or personal work.

- Only include your best work: Your portfolio should showcase your proudest pieces and current abilities. This may mean that 'less is more'. Not every piece is going to make the final cut, so try to be selective. You want to display breadth/ depth in your subject matter and style of work.

- Pick one style: From your portfolio, the client wants to know what type of work they'd get if they hired you. They want to be able to rely on one consistent style. Having multiple styles in your portfolio can make the client unsure of what type of work you'd produce. It may come across as being too visually overwhelming. You are most likely going to gain a more memorable impression if you have a style that is well developed and executed to a high standard.

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